Monday, January 26, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009



The Limestone District School Board restricts access to Hotmail, and Yahoo mail. If you want to email assignments from home, to work on/print out at school you need to use FirstClass. Your login is usually your last name, followed by the first initial of your first name. Your password is the last 4 digits of your student number. If you have any trouble accessing your email, please see us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Books

Here are new books to our library. Clicking on the book will give you more information about the book.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Here are databases provided by the school board. Please see us for passwords if you would like to use them from home.

Friday, January 9, 2009

White Pine award nominees 2009

The White Pine Award™ reading program offers high school-aged teens at all grade levels the opportunity to read the best of Canada's recent young adult fiction titles. 10 books are chosen as nominees and from student voting one with be declared the winner for 2009

We have all 10 of the nominees in the library. Please let us know which one(s) you have enjoyed reading.

You may click on this year's nominees to get more information about the book and its author

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Library Club: AKA The Avid Readers Club

Please join us for the library club! New members are always welcome!

  • We meet on Thursdays, at lunch, in room 135
  • We encourage others to read about world issues.
  • We have fun while discussing issues.
  • We survey students about new purchases for the library.
  • We go on field trips to book stores and the KFPL
  • We explore new genres, current reads, new issues and new book releases.
For further details, please contact Mrs. Iori



From the website:

 The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker

Search and cite books, web sites & over 50 other sources for your works cited list!

Citation Machine:

From the website:

Citation Machine is an interactive web tool designed to assist high school, college, and university students, their teachers, and independent researchers in their effort to respect other people's intellectual properties. The primary goal of this tool is to make is so easy for high school, college, and university students and other researchers to credit information sources, there is virtually no reason not to -- because SOMEDAY THE INFORMATION THAT SOMEONE WANTS TO USE, WILL BE YOURS. It can create bibliographies from the MLA, APA, Turabian and Chicago citation format.

The library also has bibliographic formats sheets which you may take with you to use.

Search Engines

Here are some good search engines. Please ask us if you need any help refining your searches. The web is a vast land and it always help to have someone light the way.

Alta Vista

Monday, January 5, 2009

Research and Documentation Online

Guidelines and annotated lists of print and online resources for findings and documenting sources in a variety of different fields by Diana Hacker. The site offers the following features:

An extensive annotated list of specialized sources for more than 30 disciplines. The resources are organized by type—databases and indexes, Web resources, and reference books—under four main categories: Humanities, Social Sciences, History, and Sciences.

Guidelines for documenting print and online sources. These guidelines provide the most current advice available for MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles.

Sample papers with annotations for MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles.

Tips for evaluating print and online sources.

A list of style manuals for a variety of disciplines.

A glossary of research terms.

Visit her website.